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Facebook Lite


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/ 432 ratings

A lighter version of Facebook that uses less data and allows you to track your current data usage

Facebook | 1 more apps |
updated on March 7, 2025
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Great option for those with limited data connection
Loads faster on a slow Internet connection than standard Facebook app
Data stats can be monitored within the main menu
Built-in Messenger app


User interface isn't as detailed as the standard Facebook app
Facebook Lite
Price: $
Facebook Lite is a new version of the Facebook app that uses less data than the standard application. It has been designed to give those with a limited data connection an easier way to access their Facebook account. If you have a slow Internet connection, you'll notice right away how much faster Facebook Lite loads up content.

If you have a very small data allowance, you can also go to the Data Usage menu to reduce image quality. This decreases Facebook Lite's data usage even further and it should help to load images faster, although image quality is reduced as a result of this.

Everything you can find on the normal Facebook app is available on Facebook Lite. You can still browse your news feed, post status updates, interact with your friends, and see new content from the pages you follow. You can even access your own pages from within the Facebook Lite's main menu.

Interestingly, Facebook Lite even has a built-in Messenger app. If you've used the standard Facebook app before, you'll know that Facebook pushes you to install Messenger as a standalone app.

With Facebook Lite, you no longer need to have both Facebook and Messenger installed. You can get by with just one app. By default, push notifications are sent to your device each time you get a message as well.

In summary, Facebook Lite works perfectly for those on older devices with a limited data connection. It loads faster on a slow Internet, uses less battery, and the user interface fits neatly on displays of all sizes, especially smaller displays.
Reviewed by (editor rating 5 out of 5 starsEditor's pick Sooftware editor's pick

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